Energy Medicine
Energy Clearing
Let go of old energy from the past and release the emotional trauma that's in the way of you Unlocking Who You Really Are.
Everything is made up of energy – our bodies, our minds, everything we see, even the device you are reading this from! Often, energy that we’ve experienced from life occurrences gets trapped in our bodies. As a result, we hold onto certain thoughts, feelings, judgments, stories, or even physical sensations from the past that prevent us from moving forward in our lives. Energy Healing releases the energy we’ve stored from the past that no longer serves us.
Keri is a potent Energy-worker with a Masters in Clinical Social Work. She offers individual therapeutic sessions where she combines the principles of trauma focused talk-therapy with energy-work, past-life regression therapy, tarot readings and spiritual or awareness-based transformational principles. Keri uses her acute intuition to tap into your body to release unwanted energy, conducts chakra clearings when necessary, and uses guided visualizations and body processes to eliminate stuck energy from the past. She also utilizes various forms of non-physical Source energy to facilitate healing. All this creates a clear pathway to eliminate blocks from both the body and the mind.
Keri practices Access Bars™, a technique that comes from a philosophy called Access Consciousness™. This technique allows you to function on a new level of consciousness and transform every area of your life.
Watch This Video About How Access Consciousness Bars Effects the Brain
Access Bars™ is a non-invasive body process that consists of gently touching 32 points on the head. When a Bars Practitioner "runs your Bars", they dispel the heavy energetic charge related to any judgments and limiting points of view which get in the way of you obtaining what you truly want. It has been said that the technique is like deleting files off your computer’s hard-drive, so that more space is available to create something new.
Access Bars™:
Unlocks addictive behaviors
Opens neural pathways
Increases energy flow
Reduces or eliminates physical pain & disease
Reduces or eliminates anxiety and depression
Induces a meditative state
Eliminates mind chatter
Heals emotional scars
Enhances healthy sleep
Increases the capacity to receive
Increases equanimity
Regulates symptoms of ADD & ADHD
Eliminates repetitive patterns from the past
> More Info at
50 Min Sessions | At Malama i ke Ola or Online/Remote
Contact Keri Receiver at 917-592-1883 to Schedule.
Transform Emotional Trauma
Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is an evidence based modality for those impacted by trauma. It is a structured, short-term treatment model that improves symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety and overall mental health.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) treats problems and boosts happiness by modifying emotions, behaviors, and thoughts that no longer serve you. Unlike traditional psychoanalysis, CBT focuses on solutions. The technique challenges distorted thoughts and alters destructive behavior patterns so that you can have a more peaceful and positive mind and a generally happier life.
> More Info at
50 Min Sessions | At Malama i ke Ola or Online/Remote
Contact Keri Receiver at 917-592-1883 to Schedule.
Reiki (ray-key) is a hands-on healing technique that helps to balance the mind, body and spirit. Rei means spirit, and ki means life force energy—the life force that flows through all beings. Literally translated, Reiki means universal life energy.
Reiki is a technique for stress reduction, healing, and energetic rebalancing. It entails gentle laying on of hands to restore energy flow. Self-healing begins during a Reiki session and stays with the recipient for a long time after a session. It can be used for physical and emotional difficulties and is safe for everyone. Feelings of peace, serenity, security, joy, humor and a sense of well-being are often reported during and after Reiki sessions.
Polarity Therapy
Polarity Therapy method was created by Dr. Randolph Stone (1890–1981). It is a natural health care system based upon the universal principles of energy: attraction, repulsion and neutrality. The interrelation of these principles forms the basis for every aspect of life, including our experience of health, wellness, and disease within the body, mind and environment. To establish mental, physical and emotional balance, this method incorporates nutrition, stretching postures, exercise, manipulation and understanding thought patterns, along with energetic cranial sacral therapy and energetic reflexology.
Polarity Therapy views the energy anatomy of the human body and seeks to release energy, balance blocked areas, and quicken slow-moving energy patterns that are causing disorder in the body. Sometimes Polarity Therapy holds a neutral space (stillness) for a person in order for the body to have the opportunity to realign itself back to balance.
Crystal Healing
Crystal healing entails using the natural resonant frequencies of crystals to help bring healthy directional movement of energy within the body. Using natural materials with high vibration helps the body reconnect to its origin as it recognizes similarities in pulsation. Different crystals carry different frequencies, and for this reason certain crystals are placed in specific locations on or near the body, aiding proper movement in various vortex points.
This technique helps the practitioner stimulate more movement in areas that are stagnant, unbalanced or weak. It also encourages general flow by connecting the mind, body and spirit and diving deeper into the physical and emotional body.
Some clients experience sorrow, uncontrollable laughter or sensations of heat, coolness and tingling. Crystal healing has assisted clients into a deep, calm, meditative space.
Sound Healing
Biosonic tuning forks and singing bowls are used to tune the body—much like a piano. The penetrating sound frequencies assist the body back toward perfect pitch. The Biosonic tuning forks were developed by Dr. John Beaulieu, N.D., Ph.D. as another way to develop consciousness and healing based on the sonic ratios inherent in nature.
What to Expect
The client remains fully clothed (shoes removed) and lies on a massage table during a private session. Sometimes crystals are placed in the hands, on the third eye and along various chakra points. Tuning forks or a gong sound vibration can be used to move the energy body.
Everyone is different, so the session will vary for all. The experience isn’t always dramatic, although the receiver can experience larger sensations. The energy works on many different levels, and most feel deep penetrating warmth from the practitioner’s hands throughout the session. Clients report a variety of sensations, such as hot, cold, deep warmth, pressing, pulsing, quick contracting muscle movements or tingling. Periodic twitching body parts are quite common while energy is releasing out of the body. People also may feel calm, peaceful, creative, light, grounded, joyful, angry, sad, energized and hopeful during and after the treatment. Often, cuts and burns feel remarkably healed after a session(s).