Regression Therapy
Past-Life Regression
A 50-minute guided, multi-dimensional clearing and explorative journey across time and space.
* At Malama i ke Ola or Online/Remote
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Contact Keri Receiver at 917-592-1883 for questions.
Past-Life Regression Therapy is accessed and facilitated through the technique of Hypnosis. Many people have questions or concerns about being in the hypnotic state, but there really is no mystery to it. You will not bark like a dog and you will remember everything that you experience.
Hypnosis is simply a state of focused concentration of the mind and increased relaxation of the body. Most of us enter hypnotic states on a regular basis when we are absorbed in a good book or movie or when we find ourselves on 'auto-pilot' -- maybe driving in our car and getting safely to our homes without realizing how we got there.
Similar to meditation, the goal of hypnosis is to access the subconsciousness mind. The subconscious mind functions at a deeper level than our usual levels of awareness. It's the part of our mind that lies underneath the constant bombardment of thoughts, feelings and outside stimuli.
Thus, the subconscious is not limited by our imposed boundaries of logic, space and time. It can remember everything, from any time. It can produce creative solutions to our problems, and find the deeper wisdom that lies inside us all in order to achieve real healing.
Watch Dr. Brian Weiss on Oprah Winfrey to learn more about his journey as a trail-blazer of Past-Life Regression Therapy
Some people feel as though they are observing a movie while being regressed. Others have more vivid and emotional reactions. Some 'feel' things more than they 'see' them. Sometimes people will even hear or smell things.
Past-Life Regression Therapy takes us beyond space and time to become present to the lessons we've learned in our other incarnations so that we may understand and/or integrate those lessons in our current life situation.
As time is non-linear and it's all really happening NOW, Keri refers to this work as a
"Guided Multi-Dimensional Clearing and Explorative Journey" or a "Simultaneous Lives Journey".
Tarot originally began as a game called "Tarrochi" in the late 14th century and started being used for spiritual guidance in the late 18th century.
Tarot Cards are made up of seventy-eight cards or more. They are made up of 3 different groups -- the Major Arcana, the Minor Arcana and the Court Cards. The Minor Arcana is made up four different suits: Wands, Pentacles, Swords and Cups. Each suit speaks to a specific attribute of the human experience as well as one of the four elements.
Wands – Action and Creativity (Fire)
Swords – Thinking and Conceptions (Air)
Cups – Emotions (Water)
Pentacles – Money & Material Wealth (Earth)
Each card has a specific meaning or energy to it. The Major Arcana is made up of 22 cards, and each card reveals a very specific experience of human consciousness. You will see cards such as The Fool, The Empress, The Moon, The Tower and others in this suit. Each tarot deck is different, which means that the meaning of the cards can be slightly different as well.
A tarot card reading can give you the answer to anything that is on your mind. It can give you a deep, insider’s look at your health, career, family and relationship issues and more. Tarot is useful in showing you the details you may be missing and shows you what the most probable outcome is based on your current path.
Tarot does much more than show you the future. If you ask the right questions, the tarot can show you how to change your path to get the results you want. Many people who have had a tarot reading are blown away by the accuracy and sound advice they receive from the reading.
When used correctly, tarot is a life enhancing tool that can help to:
Discover your hidden fears & talents
Connect you to your Higher Self
Receive messages from your Angels and guides
Direct you on your life path
Reveal your own (or someone else's) True Nature
A good tarot reader will be able to read the cards and explain them in a way that makes sense to you. She does this by connecting to your energy and the energy of the question, while asking her team of angels for guidance.
Most people will benefit greatly from a tarot reading. Whether you believe in the art of fortune telling doesn’t matter. Tarot is a tool for you to gain more awareness, to recognize patterns in your life that no longer serve you, receive a better understanding of yourself and alter your life to receive the results you want.
* 45 Minutes | Via Phone
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Contact Keri Receiver at 917-592-1883 for questions.