

What is Rolfing®
Rare is the perfect body.  Meaning an upright and relaxed posture, free from pain. This is because our bodies encase and reflect our life experiences by absorbing them into our connective tissue. The network of connective tissue (fascia), which contains and links the muscle system, will take on and support whatever patterns of movement and posture the body requires.  Bodies will adopt unbalanced structural patterns in response to injuries, illnesses and surgeries, these influences become incorporated into our connective tissue. Injured and affected tissues shorten and contract into fixed patterns causing rigidity and pain.Over time these constrictions and compensations have resulted in the body you have today. The Rolfing process addresses the connective tissue (fascia) of the body. The fascia surrounds every muscle and muscle fiber, penetrating every cell and connects right down to DNA itself. The connective tissue is essentially the “the organ of form” in regard to our structure.  Our bones, spine and posture are how they are because the fascia holds and shapes them that way.

How Rolfing® Works
Rolfing® works through slow, deep, yet respectful pressure. The Rolfer may apply different pressures by using her fingers, back of the hand, forearm, or even an elbow, depending on the layer of tissue being addressed. The Rolfing technique frees a multitutude of strains and old patterns in our bodies. In a powerful way, Rolfing® re-educates the body by telling the tissue to “release here, untangle there”. This promotes a return to stability, restoring function and balance that is free of trauma. This process occurs over ten-session intervals, each session targeting a different set of goals designed to unwind our bodies. 


The Results
Over the course of the sessions one will notice a change in movement, posture and flexibility. The most consistent and common results clients realize are freedom from pain, improved posture and balance. Other benefits include, relieving chronic muscle aches and tensions, improved athletic performance, more energy, feelings of wellness and wholeness often leading to a better mental attitude. Rolfing® is for anyone who wants a healthier more flexible and youthful body that is free from pain.


Rolf Movement® Integration
I believe that your body is truly a temple; it is the moving architecture in which you dwell. Thinking of it that way, your body does a lot more than just disguise you, contain you and carry you around. Every aspect of it expresses you. And whatever happens to it is integral to your whole being.Seismological engineers know that the structural soundness in a building requires a mobile foundation and flexible supports. The more flexible and resilient your body is, the more secure it's relation to gravity and the more enduring its vitality.Rolfing® Movement Integration is a separate system of work which forwards the same goal as Rolfing® - balance. Rolfing® Movement, however, focuses on developing balance and support for action in the gravitational field.In five sessions, I work with you so that you move harmoniously with gravity. Harmonious movement evokes an open and responsive body where your inner strength and centered-ness can be chosen instead of outer tension and armoring.The results of Rolfing® Movement Integration are increased grace, ease and efficiency of movement, a more powerful sense of self, and often the relief of physical stress caused by gravity resistance or movement pattern.

What to Expect During your Session
Most sessions last 1 hour and 20 minutes.The typical attire for men is underwear, swim trunks, or exercise shorts.The typical attire for women is sports bra and exercise shorts, underwear, or swimsuits.It's very important for you to feel absolutely comfortable during your session, so please choose to wear whatever is appropriate for you.