The first appointment is two hours in duration.
Comprehensive review of your past and present health concerns, focusing on reproductive and digestive health
Stress, anxiety and emotional armoring from trauma (violent spanking and potty training, sexual abuse, rape, and incest) are also discussed in the session. Emotional releases are encouraged, and a sacred, nurturing space is cultivated.
Mayan abdominal and pelvic massage externally over the diaphragm, abdomen and pelvic bowl to help improve circulation, hormonal balance and alignment of abdominal and pelvic organs
Massage to back/gluteals, sacral corrections, ligament softening and myofascial release to further stimulate circulation, nerve communication and alignment of organs connecting to the ligaments of the internal organs
Instruction in self-care Massage suggested for you to continue daily at home to enhance your professional session and empower your own innate healing
Herbal Vaginal/ Perineum Steam for twenty minutes with a guided meditation
Reconnection to and cultivation of your root and sacral energy
Evaluation of body posture and stretches or exercises suggested
Recommendations of complimentary modalities to support your health and wellness may include:
The wearing of a Faja – a traditional lower abdomen supportive wrap
Herbal Steams; Vaginal/Perineal Steam; Bajos – a traditional herbal pelvic steam bath of the Maya
The application of Castor Oil Packs and lifestyle education
Yoni eggs
Plant Medicines of herbal tonics or ointments formulated by Dr. Arvigo, harvested in the jungle of Belize, and tinctures made on the slopes of Pele in Big Island Hawaii
Essential oils
Typically, two or three professional sessions are required to address most conditions. Some conditions will require further attention over a longer period of time.
Follow-up sessions are one hour in duration and include Mayan abdominal and pelvic massage, back/gluteals/sacral massage and review of self-care massage. Herbal steams can be added in the follow-up session.
Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® is not intended as primary healthcare but rather, to compliment the relationship you have with your general practitioner.
For further information please visit: http://www.arvigotherapy.com